Monday, 3 January 2011

It's in the detail

Happy New Year everyone, I hope it's a happy and healthy one for you all.

It has been great to have a few weeks off and resurface. It's been great seeing family, friends and going out for cold walks in the snow.

On a recent visit to Bromsgrove we went a walk down memory lane to Hanbury Hall a very special place. The temperature was -12'c, brrr! The walk was fab though the snow and inch thick frost gave everything a magical twinkle. It also showed details on plants and structures in and interesting way. I thoroughly enjoyed it and felt refreshed and ready to tackle anything.

A new term starts tomorrow and with it my Final Major project! I hope to include lots of detail in my work and the walk at Hanbury pointed out that detail can be really inspiring and special. I only hope I can pull this off for this major piece of work, fingers crossed, keep smiling and remember it will be worth it in the end.

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